Friday, May 17, 2013

Sai Bhoomi

Facilities Large spacious bed rooms, drawing room with an unparalleled style. Adjoining it is the dining area, large enough to host a site-down dinner. And the attached lobby gives you an extra reason for family congregations. The adequate storage space for essentials make the kitchen, a delight to work in. » Bedrooms of utmost comfort » Spacious drawing-cum-dining room » Lash Green Lawn » Viewing gallery » Ergonomically designed for maximum...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Our Strength

Our Strength Our strength is built on key business drivers, in-depth project execution experience, robust infrastructure, skilled workforce, wide network and extensive industry knowledge. Empowered with the cutting edge knowledge of trade trends and practices, our deals have inculcated confidence and genuine satisfaction among-st our clients in India & abroad. Currently we have a happy clientele of over 1000. Management As...